Welcome to CECLC!
Learn, Play, Grow!
Call: 315-986-8176
Fax: 315-986-4147

The health and wellness of our children and staff is of the utmost importance to us here at CECLC. All health policy information can be found in our Parent Handbook.
We know that having a sick child is inconvenient, but for the well being of everyone at the Center, we ask that ill children remain home. CECLC staff will notify any parents immediately if a child develops symptoms of any illness while in care.
As an Asthma Friendly Center, endorsed by the American Lung Association, we are required to follow certain health requirements. All sunscreen provided must be cream or lotion based; no aerosols are allowed.
All medications require a written consent form. These forms are available both on our website under Forms and in the offices. These must be signed by your child's pediatrician in order for us to administer any medications at our Center.
As a not-for-profit Center, CECLC takes part in the CACFP Food Program. We receive government assistance in two ways. Throughout the school year, we are eligible to receive free commodity deliveries. We are also eligible to receive reimbursement for the amount of healthy meals we provide.
CACFP is an income-based program, so all families who enroll at the Center are required to fill out an income form. These forms are audited by CACFP.
Our Nutrition Coordinator has carefully worked to create weekly menus for our children to enjoy. You can find a copy below, on the community bulletin board or stop by the office to request one!