Welcome to CECLC!
Learn, Play, Grow!
Call: 315-986-8176
Fax: 315-986-4147

Infant 1
Infant 2
Our Infant 1 classroom is for children ages 6 weeks through approximately 1 year. Your baby will receive all the love and care you would expect, and more!
In this classroom we recognize how many crucial skills are developed at this age. We spend lots of time with our infants doing tummy time and working on skills like sitting up and crawling.
In addition to physical skills, we spend time with our infants developing language and social skills. We spend time teaching our infants basic sign language such as "more", and "all done". We also help our infants learn basic sharing skills with our toys.
Our Infant 2 classroom is generally for children between the ages of 1 year and 18 months. We will provide your baby with all of the love and support that they need and more!
In this classroom we begin to do more advanced activities as we recognize their skills are constantly growing and developing. We do simple art projects, read lots of stories and sing songs.
We continue to reinforce the basic sign language that we teach in Infant 1 and teach more signs like "please" and "thank you". We also spend a lot of time working on our sharing skills, and teaching the usage of "gentle hands" when playing with our friends.
Our infants do not follow a set schedule, as we recognize that every infant has different needs. We care for our babies "on demand". We provide our parents with a daily sheet, which fills you in on all they did that day! We include when they slept, what and how much they ate, how often they were changed and fun things we did.
We follow a teacher:child ratio of 1:4, with a maximum of 2 teachers and 8 children in the classroom.
Infant Meals
Creative Environment Children's Learning Center is committed to excellence in nutrition. We provide both Iron Fortified Formula in both Premium and Gentle varieties. We are also able to freeze and store breast milk directly in the classrooms.
Parents are welcome to provide 1-2 bottles to keep at our Center. We will wash them after every bottle feeding and store them in a safe place so there's no need to bring them back and forth!
CECLC also provides all infant cereals and jar foods. All foods are introduced one at a time, and on the permission of the parent. We are also happy to accept parent provided home-made foods.
Once a child is ready to begin eating table foods, parents are given a copy of the menu to highlight. With this copy you can highlight all the foods you are comfortable with your infant eating and we will serve them!
We welcome both disposable and cloth diapers here at CECLC.
Parents who choose to use cloth diapers are required to bring in a wet bag to store soiled diapers in. All wet bags must be taken home on a daily basis as CECLC cannot launder soiled cloth diapers.
What Do I Need to Provide?
- Diapers
- Breastmilk/Formula (if not choosing the brand supplied by CECLC)
- Blanket
- Pacifier (if used)
- Extra clothes

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